Imprint & Terms of Use


Graphic / Layout, responsible for content:
Elisabeth Ulbel –

Technical implementation:
Konstantin Mondelos –

Information under the law of e-commerce:
Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH
Inffeldgasse 21a
A-8010 Graz
Phone: +43 316 873 9001
Fax: +43 316 873 9002
Registered at the commercial register under number: 224755y
Commercial Court: Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen Graz
VAT- Number: ATU54713500
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Styria
Object of the company: research center
Media proprietor: Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH

Terms of Use


By accessing and browsing this website or by using and/or downloading any content from same, you agree and accept the Terms of Use as set forth below.

Purpose of this project website

All the materials contained in this website are provided by us for informational purposes only and shall not be construed as a commercial offer, a license, an advisory, fiduciary or professional relationship between you and us. No information provided on this site shall be considered a substitute for your independent investigation.

Links to third-party websites

Links to third-party websites are provided for convenience only and do not imply any approval or endorsement by us of the linked sites, even if they may contain our logo. Thus, we cannot be held responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained therein.
You may not create on any website a link to any page of this website without our prior written authorization, and you acknowledge that framing this website, or any similar process is prohibited.

Intellectual Property

This website is protected by intellectual property rights and is the exclusive property of the author/ company employing the author. Any material that it contains, including, but not limited to, texts, data, graphics, pictures, sounds, videos, logos, icons or HTML code is protected under intellectual property law and remains the providing entity’s property.
You may use this material for personal and non-commercial purposes in accordance with the principles governing intellectual property law, especially, you shall retain all copyright and proprietary notices as they appear in such material, and duly acknowledge the project and the funding authority. Any other use or modification of the website’s content without our prior written authorization is prohibited.
Possible third parties’ contents are subject to such third party’s provisions.
For sake of clarity, you shall not use any material in a way that is harmful, offensive, abusive, invasive of privacy, defamatory, hateful or otherwise discriminatory, false or misleading, or incites an illegal act.

Warranty and Liability

All materials, including downloadable software, contained in this website is provided «as is» and without warranty of any kind to the extent allowed by the applicable law. While we will use reasonable efforts to provide reliable information through this website, we do not warrant that this website is free of inaccuracies, errors and/or omissions, viruses, worms, Trojan horses and the like, or that the content is appropriate for your particular use or up to date, and we reserve the right to change the information at any time without notice. We do not warrant any results derived from the use of any software available on this site. You are solely responsible for any use of the materials contained in this site. We will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages, including but not limited to lost profits or revenues, business interruption, loss of data arising out of or in connection with the use, inability to use or reliance on any material contained in this site or any linked site.

Applicable law & Severability

Any controversy or claim arising out of or related to the Terms of Use shall be governed by Austrian law but without reference to any conflict of law rules. Any disputes shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent court for the first municipal district of Graz.

Modifications of the Terms of Use

We reserve the right to change the Terms of Use under which this website is offered at any time and without notice. You will be automatically bound by these modifications when you use this site and should periodically read the Terms of Use.
For more information about the project, please contact us!


Data Protection Notice

Contact details of the data controller

Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH
Inffeldgasse 21/A
A-8010 Graz, Austria


The following personal data are automatically collected to enable us to show and improve the website as well as to ensure their stability and security:

• Date and time of retrieval of one of our webpages
• IP address
• Name and version of the web-browser
• The website (URL) from which the user came to the retrieved page
• The website (URL) of the retrieved page
Legal basis is our legitimate interest to operate our website.


Our websites use so called cookies. A cookie is a small text file which are stored with support of your browser on your device. They do not cause damage.
We use cookies to make our websites more user-friendly. Some cookies stay on your device until you delete them. They enable us to recognize your browser at the next visit.


When you open our website the first time a cookie box appears where you choose which cookies you accept. By default, you solely accept the cookies necessary for the website to operate. This website uses a Borlabs Cookie, which sets a technically necessary cookie (borlabs-cookie) to store your cookie preferences.
Borlabs Cookie does not collect any personal data.
The borlabs-cookie cookie stores the consent you have given when you entered the website.
For further information about which cookies are used for which purpose, please see the cookie box of the website. You may access the information about the cookies in the cookie box at any time and change your settings by deleting the cookies in your browser and changing the settings in the cookie-box.
Legal basis for the mandatory cookies is our legitimate interest to operate our website.

Incorporation of third-party services and content – External Media & Statistics

If you accept the respective Cookies in the Cookie-Box, you activate the chosen external media, such as Maps, e.g. Open Street Map, Google Maps, Video streaming, e.g. Vimeo, Youtube, links to social media, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, etc. as well as analytic tools, e.g. Google Analytics, which have their own data privacy notices. By activating external media, your data might be transmitted to countries outside the European Union respectively the European Economic Area. Please find the links to the respective data protection notices in the cookie box.
Legal basis for the cookies you chose is your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the cookies in your browser and changing the settings in the cookie-box.

Contact / Contact form

If you require further information or have any questions regarding our project, you may reach us by e-mail or by the provided contact form. In this case, we process the information you provide to answer your request.
The legal basis for processing of the personal data is our legitimate interest to process your request or, depending on your request, for example performance of a contract to which you are a party or taking steps prior to possibly entering into a contract. Your data is necessary for processing your request.

Storage period

We store your data for the period necessary for the corresponding of the above indicated data processing. Moreover, it might be necessary to regard further legal periods of storage and of limitation.


If necessary, we will provide your personal data to data processors. In the above-named data processing further recipients might be named.

Recipients in third countries

In individual cases, your data is processed in countries outside the European Union respectively the European Economic Area in accordance with legal requirements. If no adequacy decision by the European Commission exists and the recipient is not subjected to appropriate safeguards, such transfer only takes place based on your explicit consent or if this is necessary for the performance of a contract or otherwise provided for by applicable law.

Your rights

You have principally the right to know what kind of personal data about you we process, as well as to rectification, erasure or restriction of your personal data or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability, subject to applicable data protection law. Furthermore, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Please contact us about this by the contact details indicated above. You may address a complaint to the Austrian Data Protection Authority.